
External examination is one of the most distinctive features of UK higher education. Thank you to all our appointed External Examiners for agreeing to carry out this role for Aston University and we look forward to working with you. We welcome your involvement in our programmes of study and would encourage you to act as a critical friend, identifying our strengths and weaknesses and in turn helping us to improve the experience of our students.

The material below is intended as an aid to your induction and work at the University. If you have any queries please contact the subject area you have been appointed to in the first instance, but if you have any doubt about who to contact, or have a more generic query, please seek advice from the Quality Team.

Induction and Reference Material

The links below will lead you to the following recommended reading before you commence your role as External Examiner.

The UKSCQA Principles for External Examination is now the definitive reference point for all UK Universities regarding external examination and what Universities are expected to do to ensure they make scrupulous use of external examiners. 

Aston Specific Material

The following material is Aston-specific for taught programme External Examiners.

Induction Day Recordings and Slides

Overview of Aston University and the role of the External Examiner
Aston University Regulations
Useful Information - HR, IT and Health & Safety

College Introduction: 

    College of Business and Social Sciences

    To be uploaded

    College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

    College of Health and Life Sciences


    Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment

    Help and guidance for using BlackBoard can be found at About - Blackboard Learn.


    Report Form

    The template for the External Examiner's annual report to the University will be provided by the College you have been appointed to at the time of the Examination Board and should be returned to the College within one month of the Board meeting. The report asks for comments on both good practice and areas for improvement, and External Examiners are encouraged to complete this report as fully as possible.

    Aston Staff Portal - Personal Details, Expenses and Payslips