15 Tips to Cut Calories

1. Count Your Calories

One way to make sure you don't eat too many calories is to count them.

In the past, logging calories was quite time-consuming. However, apps have made it quicker and easier than ever before to track what you eat. Apps such as MyFitnessPal have integrated bar code scanners to save lots of time and with millions of products already listed, no need to read the label.

2. Use Less Sauce

Adding ketchup or mayonnaise to your food can add more calories than you think. In fact, only 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise will add an extra 57 calories to your meal.

If you use a lot of sauce, try eating a bit less (or not using it at all) to reduce the number of calories you're eating.

3. Don't Drink Your Calories

Drinks can be a forgotten source of calories in your diet.

Sugar-sweetened drinks, such as coke, are high in calories. They're also linked to obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes.

A single half-litre bottle of Coke can contain nearly 200 calories, including 44 grams of sugar.

4. Don't Add Sugar to Tea and Coffee

Tea and coffee are healthy, low-calorie drinks.

However, adding just one teaspoon of sugar adds around 16 calories to your drink.

Although this might not sound like much, the calories in a few cups or glasses of sugar-sweetened tea a day can add up. Try an alternative to sugar such as stevia or low calorie sweetener.

5. Cook Your Own Food

When you buy food prepared by someone else, you don't always know what's in it.

Even meals you think are healthy or low-calorie can contain hidden sugars and fats, bumping up their calorie content.

Cooking your own food will give you better control over the number of calories you're eating.

6. Don't Keep Junk Food in the House

If you keep junk food within easy reach, it's much easier to eat.

It can be especially problematic if you're the sort of person who eats when you're stressed or bored.

To stop you reaching for unhealthy snacks, keep them out of the house.

7. Bulk up Meals with Vegetables

Most people don't eat enough vegetables.

Filling half your plate with vegetables is an excellent way to increase your vegetable intake while cutting back on higher-calorie foods.

8. Drink Water before Your Meal

Drinking water before a meal could help you feel more satisfied, causing you to eat fewer calories

Drinking water could also help you lose weight.

9. Eat Your Meals Slowly

Taking your time over a meal and chewing slowly may help you feel full more quickly. This can help you eat less

If you're prone to eating in a rush, try putting your knife and fork down between mouthfuls or counting the number of times you chew your food.

10. Eat With Your Non-Dominant Hand

This might sound a little awkward, but if you're prone to eating quickly, eating with your non-dominant hand could be helpful.

Eating with the "wrong" hand will slow you down, so you eat less.

11. Don't Go Large

Sometimes, getting a larger drink or side for only a small increase in price may sound like a better deal.

However, most restaurants already serve oversized food and drink portions, so stick to the regular size.

12. Take Half Home When Eating Out

Restaurants often serve huge portions that contain far more calories than you need in one sitting.

To avoid eating too much, ask your server to wrap up half of your meal before they serve it, so you can take it home.

Alternatively, you could share with a friend.

13. Don't Touch the Bread Basket

When you're hungry, it's so easy to reach for the pre-dinner nibbles at a restaurant. However, this habit can add hundreds of calories to your meal.

Send the bread basket back to avoid eating lots of calories before your main meal arrives.

14. Learn to Read Food Labels

Not all convenience foods are unhealthy, but many contain hidden fats and sugars.

If you know how to read food labels, it's much easier to spot the healthy options. You should also check the number of calories per serving and what the serving size is, so you know how many calories you're actually consuming. 

15. Skip Seconds

If a meal is delicious, you may be really tempted to go back for more.

However, indulging in seconds can make it difficult to assess how much you have eaten.Go for a reasonably sized portion the first time and skip seconds.

The Bottom Line

Losing weight can be a challenge — in part because it's so easy to consume more calories than you need to fuel your body.

But remember, you need to eat right along with good amount of exercise in order to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

5 Foods To Reduce Stress & Anxiety

 The exam period can be a stressful time, so it is good to keep your body healthy with foods that can reduce stress and anxiety. Research shows that some foods act as natural remedies for anxiety, while others can send you into overdrive. Try these 5 foods that reduce stress and anxiety today.


This is a vegetable that contains a huge amount of folate – which is a valuable mood-boosting nutrient. One  cup alone provides 2 thirds of your daily recommendation of folate.

Ditch the French fries and serve up some steamed or grilled asparagus as a side or have them as a snack with hummus or salsa.


Containing a vast amount of vitamin B which help the body to make neurotransmitters such as serotonin which influences mood. Deficiency in vitamin B has been linked with anxiety. Avocados also contain healthy fats which helps to absorb nutrients and reduce the risk of some diseases.

Next time you are looking for a healthy dessert – try avocado ice cream!


When we are anxious and stressed our body needs vitamin C in order to repair and protect cells, and blueberries are packed with it. They also contain antioxidants which have been proven to reduce anxiety.

Blueberries are a healthy alternative to sweets, still giving you your sweetness fix and are a positive immune booster.


Magnesium is good for anxiety related symptoms and inadequate levels can lead to reducing the levels of serotonin transmitting to the brain.  About 12 almonds contain 20% of your daily recommended magnesium intake.

Swap your unhealthy sweets and biscuits for a handful of nuts when you are feeling peckish!


This may be a surprising one but it has been shown to reduce anxiety! The best yoghurts are the Greek / plain type that contain live and active cultures that have millions of probiotic cultures per gram, which reduce stress and anxiety.

Try having Greek Yoghurt on your cereal instead of milk to mix it up – it will have huge health benefits.

Modifying your diet can do wonders for your mind and body!

Healthy eating tips

The benefits: Lose weight, put a bounce in your step, get some calm in the kitchen, and become a healthier you without feeling deprived.

Don't Ditch Breakfast

Caffeine from your coffee is not enough fuel to start your day. Make sure to include a breakfast that is full of protein-rich and high-fiber foods like eggs with whole-wheat toast.

Feel Free to Graze

Squeezing in 3 square meals a day may not suite your lifestyle. At the end of the day, its how many total calories you’ve taken in.  If you like to “graze,” eat smaller meals and a few snacks throughout the day.

Swap out Sugary Cereals

Cut your current high-sugar cereal with a low sugar, high-fibre brand. Gradually reduce the amount of sugary cereal in your bowl until you are eating only the high-fibre brand.

Work to Sustain Health

To be a winner in health, it doesn’t matter how quickly you lose weight. What matters is how long you can sustain your new healthy lifestyle.

Avoid Disaster Salads

Be careful not to turn your salad into a high-calorie disaster. Pass on creamy dressings and opt for olive oil and vinegar, choose nuts or sunflower seeds for crunch instead of croutons, and limit portions of cheese.

Keep Fit with Friends

Need exercise motivation? Find a buddy to work out with—family members, friends, or even the dog can help keep you accountable.

Hold the Snacks

You are more likely to consume more chips, nuts, or sweets if you eat straight from the bag. Be a smart snacker by portioning out your serving size and putting the bag away immediately before you indulge.

Live in the "Now"

When it comes to your health, stop worrying about what you did yesterday and start focusing on what you are doing now. 

Put Produce on Eye Level

To increase your fruit and veggie intake, don’t put them in a drawer in the refrigerator but rather on a shelf at eye level. The more you see them, the more likely you will be to grab for them.

Be the First to Order

When dining out, be the first one to order. You’ll be less likely to change your mind after hearing what others are having.

Simply Try a Smaller Plate

Studies show you’ll eat about 20-22% less calories per meal simply switching from a 12-inch to 10-inch plate.

Make a Shopping List

Typical shoppers spend 60 to 80% of their time pushing their carts up and down aisles aimlessly, buy up to twice as much (and more of the unhealthy choices) compared to those who shop with a list and stick to it.

Make Workouts a Priority

We prioritize work, meals, and family time every day. Schedule time in your day for a run or gym visit too.

Butternut Squash Recipe

Prep time 10 mins. Cook time 25 mins. Total time 35 mins. This is a healthy and easy butternut squash soup! Only a few ingredients to make this incredible soup. Serves: about 8 cups.


  • ½ Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 butternut squash, peeled and diced into cubes
  • 32 ounces vegetable broth
  • 1-2 tsp. salt

How to make:

In a dutch oven pot (or heavy pot), heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onion and garlic. cook until softened, about 5 minutes.

Add cut up butternut squash and vegetable broth. Bring to a boil then cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes until squash is softened.

Carefully pour entire contents of pot into blender (I use my Vitamix). Add salt.

Gingerbread Biscuits Recipe

Here's our foolproof gingerbread recipe ready for the winter ahead!

What you need:

  • 75g butter
  • 3 1/2tbsp golden syrup
  • 60g light soft brown sugar
  • 175g plain flour
  • 1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 2tsp ground ginger

How to make:

Add butter, golden syrup and light brown sugar to a pan. Stir on a low heat until sugar has dissolved.

Add flour, bicarbonate of soda and ginger to a mixing bowl then stir together. Make a well in the centre and pour in the sugar and butter mixture.

Stir together to form a dough (it might be easiest to use your hands).

Wrap in clingfilm and let chill for 30mins to firm up.

Lay the dough between two sheets of baking parchment. Press dough lightly with a rolling pin. Give a quarter turn than repeat.

Give it a final quarter turn, then start to roll backwards and forwards, giving regular quarter turns. Until dough is roughly thickness of a £1 coin.

Using a biscuit cutter cut out the shapes. Bake at 190°C (170°C fan) mark 5 for 10 to 12min, until lightly golden brown.

The biscuits won't be firm but will harden when left to cool outside the oven.